According to Wikipedia, this stuff (described as a "pasteurized prepared cheese product") was first invented in 1918 by a Swiss immigrant (does that make it another kind of Swiss cheese?) working for the Monroe Cheese Company. By 1927, Kraft owned it. But let's face it, you don't want to know this stuff -- you want to know what's in it.
Well, milk and whey (that would be the other food item in Little Miss Muffet's bowl) both play a part in various forms. So it's sort of cheese-like, if you consider the "milk plasma that remains after milk has been curdled and strained" cheese.
Jack had his first taste of Velveeta last weekend - check out his expression! But actually his assessment was, "yummy, salty plasticity," which is somewhat positive -- although he does add that it's, "unnervingly soft." The scent is something akin to Cheese Whiz.
If Velveeta has a virtue, it's probably that it melts easily and evenly. Kraft has a pretty cool Velveeta section -- it even has videos!